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48-bit, high drive digital I/O board with direct AC5 & PB24 interface.


  • Directly OPTO/GORDOS AC5/PB24 compatible
  • High current (64mA) outputs
  • Controls 2 PB24 racks
  • fully plug-and-play

Digital I/0 Specifications:

I/O bits: 48
Configuration: 24 I/O bits divided into two 8-bit and two 4-bit ports.
Emulates: 8255 mode 0

**Input specs**
Logic family: TTL family

**Output specs**
Sink: 64 mA min. at 0.55 V max.
Source: 15 mA min at 2.5 V min

PB24 compatible, will directly drive/monitor two industry standard PB24 racks please see our part SSR-PB24

Software Description:

Includes InstaCal ® , installation, calibration and test software. Supported by UniversalLibrary ® . Also supported by most third party, high-level data acq. programs.

Cables / Interconnections:

For use with PB24 use: C100FE-# cable

For screw terminal connections use C100FF-# cable and CIO-TERM100 or (2) CIO-MINI50 screw terminal boards


Measurement Computing MCC-DAQ
Bus Typepci
# Digital I/O48